Leading Australian grower and supplier of Carnivorous Plants and Water Plants.
28th March 2025 - We have about a 1 -2 week wait on any mail orders placed. Sometimes we can get to them faster,
it depends on how many wholesale nursery orders come in each week, as these do have to take priority.
- grow your own yummy chestnuts for stir-fries, curries omelets or salads.
Please read our MAIL ORDERING INFORMATION page before ordering for Terms and Conditions.
Triffid Park is NOT open to the public for walk in sales or tours, except for our Annual Open Day.
Our Annual Carnivorous Plant Nursery Open Day is scheduled for Sunday 23 November 2023.​
By Colin and Tina Clayton
of Triffid Park
Tina and I had just returned from the 4th International Carnivorous Plant Conference in Japan where we displayed our range of 'in and out of print' books for sale with great success.
So the decision to attend the Third European Carnivorous Plant Exchange and Exhibition in Leiden Holland on the 24th August 2002, was easy to make - YES, LETS GO. 40 kilos of books [that's only one each from our range] and 40 hours traveling time later, we were there!
Our companion stall holders in the Leiden Botanical Gardens included Phil Wilson from England who was selling Sarracenias and Ludomir Adamec from the Czech Republic selling Aldrovanda and aquatic Utricularias. The Germans Joachim Nertz, Oliver Gluch and Peter Harbarth had stalls selling many Nepenthes and Pinguiculas. Gert Hoogenstrid from Holland sold Heliamphora, Drosera and Utricularia.
A stunning display of carnivorous plants filled the central greenhouse, and in the afternoon lectures of international conference standard were given by Joachim Nertz on Nepenthes of the Malaysian Archipelago, Phil Wilson on Sarracenia in their habitat, and Andreas Wistuba spoke about Heliamphoras and Tepuis.
The day was rounded off with a delicious banquet held amongst the display of carnivorous plants in the glasshouse at the Botanical Gardens, in a relaxed atmosphere chatting with fellow carnivorous plant enthusiasts from all over Europe.

After the conference, Colin and Tina visited some commercial carnivorous plant nurseries in Holland.

Commercial carnivorous plant nursery in Holland.
They took the opportunity while there to spend a day looking around Floriade 2002 near Amsterdam.
While driving around Holland, Colin and Tina discovered Drosera rotundifolia and Utricularia vulgaris in de Weerribben National Park. They found the Tjasker Windmills in Holland very fascinating. These windmills are made of one long axle which lays on its side, and is used for draining reed land.

Colin sitting in a field of Drosera rotundifolia
infront of a Tjasket Windmill