Only 10 plants available at the time of listing 19-1-2025.
Darlingtonia californica
The Darlingtonia californica (Cobra Lily) grows naturally on the west coast of North America, California U.S.A.
The Californian cobras grow in high altitudes, in seeps where the water comes out of springs and is extremely cold. Some of these seeps are not deep at all. When the water gets about 300 yards from the springs, the water is starting to warm up and the cobras don't grow there.
REPOTTING: When re-potting your Darlingtonia Californica you should use Sphagnum moss with a bit of perlite mixed through it. Wet this thoroughly first before potting your plant into it. The best time to re-pot is in the early spring when the plants are just starting to grow. Use a pot to suit the size of the plant, giving it enough room to grow for the following year, but not too big that it dwarfs the plant.WATERING: Do not ever let your Cobra Lily dry out. During Spring, Summer and Autumn sit it in a saucer of water, changing the water frequently. The water should cover the drainage holes of the pot. If your water is good enough to drink straight from the tap, then this is alright to use on your plant. If not you should use either rain, distilled or reverse osmosis water.
In winter do not let the plant dry out but don’t leave it sitting in water all the time. They need their roots kept cool, so water daily with very cold water.
FERTILIZING: Do not fertilize with flies or insects. You will end up killing your plant this way. We dont fertilise our Darlingtonia.LIGHT: Darlingtonia’s require a shady position. Under a bench in the green house is a good spot, or a shady porch. Otherwise you can grow them in a terrarium, or glasshouse.
HUMIDITY: Darlingtonia’s don’t require a lot of humidity.
DORMANCY: During winter your Darlintonia will go into their dormancy period. They will stop growing, but won’t die back. Cut off any dead leaves/pitchers at the base of the plant. In spring the plants will send up their new leaves/pitchers and flowers.