VIC, NSW, ACT, QLD, SA - Postage and Packing costs for orders $721 - $760 worth of goods
Unfortunately our Shopping Cart does not have enough options to keep adding postage costs over $320 worth of goods.
Therefore, any orders over $320 will look like shipping is Free.
However this is NOT the case.For all orders over $320 - you will need to purchase the correct amount of shipping for your goods total.
Please make sure that you choose the correct states of Australia for your postage costs.
Orders WILL NOT be sent, if shipping amount is not correct.
All parcels are sent by Australia Post using Signature on Delivery.
The Signature on Delivery cost of $3.00 is included in postage prices.
EXPRESS POST - you need to purchase a Regular Postage cost + an Express Post cost in POSTAGE OPTIONS.
INSURANCE - Extra Postage Cover Insurance With Australia Post is optional, but recommended, as Triffid Park will not cover lost parcels. This cost gives you peace of mind, that if your parcel does go missing, you are financially covered to replace your order.
Available as an extra purchase in POSTAGE OPTIONS.
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Leading Australian grower and supplier of Carnivorous Plants and Water Plants.
28th March 2025 - We have about a 1 -2 week wait on any mail orders placed. Sometimes we can get to them faster,
it depends on how many wholesale nursery orders come in each week, as these do have to take priority.
- grow your own yummy chestnuts for stir-fries, curries omelets or salads.
Please read our MAIL ORDERING INFORMATION page before ordering for Terms and Conditions.
Triffid Park is NOT open to the public for walk in sales or tours, except for our Annual Open Day.
Our Annual Carnivorous Plant Nursery Open Day is scheduled for Sunday 23 November 2023.
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