Leading Australian grower and supplier of Carnivorous Plants and Water Plants.
Monday 24th February 2025 - we are closing our Mail Orders for 2 weeks, while we catch up on a
few things here at Triffid Park. No orders will be posted out until after Wednesday 12th March.
STOCK ON HOT DAYS. Please only order if you are prepared to wait for your order. Thank you.
Please read our MAIL ORDERING INFORMATION page before ordering for Terms and Conditions.
Triffid Park is NOT open to the public for walk in sales or tours, except for our Annual Open Day.
Carnivorous plants fill a niche in nature by growing in soil that is deficient in nitrogen (an essential element for plant growth). Few other plants can grow here.
They overcome this deficiency by 1. Attracting 2. Catching 3. Killing and 4. Digesting nitrogen rich insects for their nutrition.
DO NOT feed with insects, nature has designed the plant to attract and catch its own. If you catch an insect and stick it in the plant, it won’t know it has caught it, and therefore won’t digest it. The plant needs the thrill of the catch to release its digestive juices to break down the insect.
In a home situation, with the plants growing in small pots, you can help the plant a long a bit by feeding it Seasol and Powerfeed mixed together every 8 weeks during Spring, Summer and Autumn at about 2 ml of each per litre water. DO NOT use or recommend any other fertilisers.
REPOTTING: For best results, repot in winter when the plants are in dormancy, every 2 years. However repotting can be done all year round.
Sarracenias, Venus Fly Traps and Drosera - repot in Sphagnum Peat Moss with perlite mixed in. DO NOT use any other types of peat moss, or you will kill them.
Nepenthes - repot in a mixture of 75% orchid bark, and the other 25% made up of perlite, sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat moss.
For more growing information, please visit our Growing Information Page. You are welcome to copy any of this information for your customers.
Carnivorous plants need a nice brightly lit area in your nursery. Usually inside your gift shop is too dark.
They need protection from the hot afternoon sun, and protection from the wind and rain. So under cover, but well lit, is best.
Carnivorous plants, such as Venus Fly Traps, Sarracenia and Drosera, are bog plants, so they need to sit in a tray of water at all times. DO NOT overhead water, or you will splash the peat moss up on to the labels. DO NOT allow to dry out.
With the hanging Nepenthes baskets, just keep some water in their basket saucers at all times.
In winter, Sarracenias and Venus Fly Traps go dormant. If you have some left in your nursery, cut off the dying traps about ½ cm from the base of the plant, keep moist and they will grow back in spring. You don’t need to keep them warm over winter because they need this dormancy period to gain strength for spring. Nepethes will not go dormant, just keep protected from frost.

Not all insects are eaten by Carnivorous Plants. Some use the plants for homes and eat the bugs that have already died inside the plants.

Pot size - 70mm
FLOWERING: White flower in spring
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

​Pot size - 100mm
FLOWERING: White flower in spring
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pot size - 70mm
FLOWERING: Spring - autumn
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide
POT SIZE: 70mm - assorted mixed tray of plant varieties

Pot size - 100mm
FLOWERING: Spring - autumn
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide
POT SIZE: 70mm - assorted mixed tray of plant varieties

Pitcher plant
Pot size - 70mm green pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pitcher plant
Pot size - 100mm red pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pitcher plant
Pot size - 120mm green pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Florist Quality Pitcher plant
Pot size - 120mm red pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Winter Variety Pitcher plant
Pot size - 120mm red pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pitcher plant
Pot size - 180mm square pot - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Mixed Sarracenia/ Venus fly trap
Pot size - 100mm square pot of mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Gorgeous flowers in spring that look like upside down Umbrellas.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pitcher plant, Venus Fly trap, Drosera
Pot size - 270mm green or terracotta window box - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, summer and autumn
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Pitcher plant, Venus Fly trap, Drosera
Pot size - 220mm terracotta bowl with saucer - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, summer and autumn
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Hanging Pitcher plant
Pot size - 130mm basket - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, but are not grown for their flowers. Traps/pitchers can be produced all year round.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost tender. Nepenthes will not go dormant, but may not produce traps/pitchers during winter.
CARE: Keep water in their basket saucer, so they can drink when required.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Hanging Pitcher plant
Pot size - 130mm basket - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, but are not grown for their flowers. Traps/pitchers can be produced all year round.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost tender. Nepenthes will not go dormant, but may not produce traps/pitchers during winter.
CARE: Keep water in their basket saucer, so they can drink when required.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

Hanging Pitcher plant
Pot size - 200mm basket - mixed varieties
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, but are not grown for their flowers. Traps/pitchers can be produced all year round.
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost tender. Nepenthes will not go dormant, but may not produce traps/pitchers during winter.
CARE: Keep water in their basket saucer, so they can drink when required.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide

8 x Venus Fly trap, 6 x Sarracenia,
4 x Drosera
Pot size - 70mm mixed varieties in display water holding tray
FLOWERING: Flowers in spring, summer and autumn
POSITION: Prefers a bright position, morning to early afternoon sun, kitchen window sill, porch, patio etc - inside or out.
FROST: Frost hardy as they go dormant in winter. Trim off the traps as they go dormant, 1/2 cm from the base. Keep moist over winter. New traps will grow in spring.
CARE: Sit in a saucer or tray of water so it can drink from the bottom up.
AVAILABLE: Australia wide